In order to increase the inflow of Donations, Mandal have been undertaking various activities in past so many years and have been receiving very good response from the Gnati Members.  Organizing Drama, Bhagwat Saptah and Mega Event have been successful in the past.

However there is a huge gap between what is required and what is available to use for some very important activates.

The Mandal and the present committee is dedicated to raise support to a level where by ;

  1. Real bright and needy students can be given sufficient funds to meet their higher education expenses.
  2. Very deserving medical cases gets substantial help in meeting the huge expenses.
  3. Widows and incapacitated seniors receive timely sufficient financial help to meet their day to day expenses.

We urge members to donate whole heartedly in Yearly Diwali Boni/ Donations to cater to our above noble needs.


Though the Mandal’s aims are very noble. It is increasingly becoming very difficult to meet the expenses from the interest income of the CORPUS, which at present is Rs. 1.15 cr. only. Only partial yearly needs are met from Interest Income. Considering the falling Bank Interest rates and inflationary impacts. Gnati / Mandal has been able to assist for these causes, only fractionally of what is required. At present large number of gnati members are having substantially higher income, particularly the Young Generation, and can easily help in fulfilling our aims. We thus appeal to All Gnati members to extend their financial support whole heartedly to our Gnati Mandal. The Appeal is also made to those who have benefited from the Mandal in the past. NOW its time to reciprocate by contributing funds time to time so that other needy could get reasonable assistance from Mandal.  Some of the Students, who are now professionals have already responded to this appeal in the past and we hope many more would come forward.

Hence the present committee request the more wealthy members (Luckily, now we have large numbers) of our Gnati to come forward and Contribute small portion of their annual income by way of donation to the MANDAL. There are many families who are very well placed and can easily contribute at least Rs. 11,000 a year, if we can get confirmation from 100 families out of the 1200 families, an amount of Rs. 10 LAKHS a year can be easily achieved and once the momentum catches up we can meet the bigger challenges before us.

Your small help can become a step towards a brighter future for someone.

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