Our Initiaves :

Text Books Since 1952-53,

Scholarships Since 1960,

Awards and Recognition Since 1966 and

Note Books Since 1968,


From the inception of the Mandal educational assistance has been the most important activity. Over the years the scheme has benefited large number of Gnatijan and has contributed to their educational career achievements. Activity started with free distribution of text books and note books at concessional rates. At present more emphasis is on financial assistance, as currently the educational expenses have risen to unaffordable level for many. Income of large number of our members is not enough to meet the new challenges and it is feared many bright and deserving students will not be able to achieve deserved goals . Over the years, past Committees have taken various steps to improve the assistance and achieved some  success too. This has helped many bright and needy students to reach their educational goals. 


In addition to the free note books more financial assistance is given to meet the ever increasing educational expenses. Our aim is to give benefit to all students and give special help to very bright deserving student for their post-graduation   studies. With blessings and cooperation of many gnati members,Mandal has been able to continue this very noble work and we are proud of it.



Every year Mandal is organizing students felicitation function and giving prizes to all who have succeeded in their exams.(Organizing function to felicitate bright students from KG to Post Graduate.)Giving Special prizes to achiever of highest marks in SSC-HSC, Graduate-Post Graduate.

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